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How to deal with Element is not clickable at point exception

Over the past few weeks, I saw a few people online asking about the same error. ElementClickInterceptedException: Element is not clickable at point exception. There are lots of answers online, but many of them are very different. Some of the suggested solutions work for some people, but not others.

 Element is not clickable at point exception

Element is not clickable at point exception is self-explanatory. It means that the element that you’re trying to click on can’t be clicked at that particular point. It usually happens when you locate an element and try to execute a click action on it. One of the most common causes, why this error happens, are overlapping elements. Something on the page hides your element, that you are trying to click on. But the solution will be different depending on your specific case.

In this video, I decided to reproduce this error. I show why this error happens, and what I usually do to know how to fix this Element is not clickable at point exception.

The code that I use in this video is uploaded to GitHub and you can access it here:

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