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Posts published in “tutorials”

Starting with Selenium WebDriver and Java: An Overview for Beginners

Software testing plays a crucial role in the software development process. It ensures that the applications you develop, function as expected and deliver a seamless user experience. One tool that stands out in this testing space is Selenium WebDriver. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of Selenium, discuss why Java is a preferred language when using WebDriver, and introduce you to a beginner-friendly course designed to elevate your software testing skills.

Selenium WebDriver with Java for Beginners

Understanding Selenium

Selenium WebDriver is an open-source automation tool that allows you to perform actions on a web application just like a human user would, automating browser activities and interaction with web elements. It is an essential component of the Selenium suite, a prominent toolset for automating web browsers across various platforms.

How to deal with Element is not clickable at point exception

Over the past few weeks, I saw a few people online asking about the same error. ElementClickInterceptedException: Element is not clickable at point exception. There are lots of answers online, but many of them are very different. Some of the suggested solutions work for some people, but not others.

 Element is not clickable at point exception

Element is not clickable at point exception is self-explanatory. It means that the element that you’re trying to click on can’t be clicked at that particular point. It usually happens when you locate an element and try to execute a click action on it. One of the most common causes, why this error happens, are overlapping elements. Something on the page hides your element, that you are trying to click on. But the solution will be different depending on your specific case.

In this video, I decided to reproduce this error. I show why this error happens, and what I usually do to know how to fix this Element is not clickable at point exception.

The code that I use in this video is uploaded to GitHub and you can access it here:

If you are new to Selenium Webdriver with Java and TestNG, check out my courses. Learn how to create a similar framework, how to use Selenium to automate tests at work, and automate other tedious tasks, outside your QA job.

How to find cheap flights with Selenium to save time

Flight search can be a long boring task, it may take hours to manually search for cheap flights. So why not automate it?

Selenium is not just a test automation tool. It’s an automation tool, browser automation. Even if you are not a test automation engineer, you still can benefit from Selenium.

Besides using Selenium at work, to automate web tests, I used it a few times to automate other tasks. I used it to automate job search, so I could execute more job searches every day when I was looking for one. And more recently, I created a project, to automate flights search on Expedia.

I’ve used this framework for years, to save money on flights, and now want to share it with everyone, teach you guys how to use it, so you can also search for cheap flights using Selenium.

I recorded a video and uploaded it to YouTube, to show how to download the framework, and how to use it.

Selenium WebDriver and Browser alerts

Work with browser alerts using Selenium

Browser alerts may be annoying for test automation beginners. The alert box takes the focus away from the current window and forces the browser to read the message. But Selenium WebDriver has an easy way to work with different types of browser alerts.

Learn a few different types of alerts and how to handle them with Selenium WebDriver in this video.

Checkboxes and radio buttons with Selenium

Work with checkboxes and radio buttons using Selenium WebDriver

Checkboxes and radio buttons are elements that present on almost every website. That’s why every test automation engineer should know how to work with them. Checking checkboxes or selecting and radio buttons is easy with Selenium WebDriver.

In this short Selenium WebDriver tutorial, you will learn a few very important things. How to work with checkboxes and radio buttons. And how to verify, if the checkbox or radio button is already selected