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Posts tagged as “api”

Unlock the Potential: Mastering the Test Automation Pyramid

The Test Automation Pyramid is a key framework in software testing. It presents an ideal mix of automated tests. It covers unit tests, service tests, and UI tests. This blend forms the backbone of effective testing.

Employed correctly, this strategy enhances testing productivity. It does so by promoting broad test coverage. Early issue detection is a major focus. This improves software quality and assures reliability. In short, it’s the foundation for successful software development.

Understanding the Layers of the Pyramid

Let’s delve deeper into the distinct layers of the pyramid.

Unit Tests

Occupying the base layer of the pyramid, unit tests are small, efficient, and typically plentiful. They focus on testing individual components, functions, or methods within the codebase. By their nature, unit tests are quick to execute, easy to maintain, and highly effective in identifying issues at the code level.

Stop automating everything with Selenium

You learned Selenium WebDriver. Automated a few tests, then a few more and more. Also, you learned some advanced tricks, strategies. You are becoming more confident in using it. It feels like there is no test that you can’t automate.
All positive test cases for the regression test suite are automated. You added negative tests. You want to automate everything with Selenium because now you know how to do that.


Selenium WebDriver is a tool for automating Web UI tests. Not everything should be automated using Selenium. Let me show you few test cases, where it’s better NOT TO USE Selenium WebDriver, even though it’s possible to do so.