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Posts published in “talk”

DevOps 101 for Testers

Get started with CI/CD

Have you ever wondered what Is DevOps? Also, do you know, how testers can be part of the DevOps?

On November 20, Jeff Fudge was teaching Tampa QA Meetup attendees DevOps 101! Its definition & meaning, DevOps architecture & its components, different DevOps tools, its culture & processes.

Postman RestAPI Testing

Testing Rest API with Postman and JavaScript

Postman is one of the most popular tools used in API testing. It is free and available as Mac, Windows, and Linux native apps, as well as a Chrome extension.

On October 24, 2019, my good friend, Ivan Shmatok, who works for Experian, spoke at the local meetup in Tampa, Florida. He was sharing his experience automating RestAPI tests using Postman and JavaScript.

Here is a video from his presentation.

Why XPath Locator strategy?

XPath locator strategy is not scary and not hard to learn

XML Path Language or XPath is a query language for selecting nodes from an XML document. Also, XPath can be used as a Selenium locator strategy.

In September 2019 I spoke at the local meetup in Tampa, Florida.

I shared my experience working with XPath. I talked about Xpath locators, about myths that surround them and why everyone should try using XPath.

Selenium Grid | Jenkins

Running tests from Jenkins on Selenium Grid

Setting up Selenium Grid and running tests from Jenkins is easier than you may think. Make sure to take a look at this presentation I gave for Sauce Florida Test Automation meetup